Why it’s time to take matters into your own hands

We are all used to the doom and gloom in the media about the lack of decent jobs, rising costs, stagnating wages. It’s easy to get sucked into feeling pretty hopeless about the whole sorry mess (which after all feels very much of someone else’s making).

What the newspapers fail to mention is that, as always, there are opportunities if you go out and look for them. There are ways to improve your situation and create a better future. It might not happen overnight and probably won’t be easy, but then, if it’s worthwhile, what is?

Who gets on in the Fire Service?

It’s no great surprise that the individuals who become Firefighters are generally the ones who have worked their backsides off to make it happen. Those who got promotion are often the ones who pushed themselves forward, said ‘yes’ more times than they said no and made sure they were properly equipped to do the next role up. Of course there will always be people you might look at and think ‘that was handed to them on a plate’ but don’t be fooled. Most people work hard for their successes behind the scenes- they just don’t always let on.

Are you being honest with yourself?

If your career has seemed to stall over the last couple of years, ask yourself honestly, what have you done lately to propel it forward? You may have taken steps but been disappointed- but that leaves you with two choices; pick yourself up and give it another go, or give up. Only one of those choices gives you a fighting chance of getting what you want next time.

Choose who you want to be

There’s a common theme in the people we see succeed in their career goals. They are prepared to do what it takes, however long it takes. Others want it to happen, expect it to happen, but do little and feel disgruntled when it doesn’t. So are you genuinely taking matters into your own hands? Or are you falling into the trap of feeling like it’s not in your hands at all?

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