The items you will find in your inbox will be relevant to the level of role you have applied for. There will be a mix of items/ emails. Some may have attached information for you to digest and respond to. You may have a complaint or a request for information. You may have a note from a colleague or member of your team about a personal or sensitive issues which needs to be handled. You may have financial information to evaluate and comment on. You will need to work through the communications, providing your response and planned actions in relation to each.
An inbox exercise will involve you working your way through a lot of unfamiliar information, handling difficult questions and writing pages of responses – all to a tight deadline
Case study/ Analysis/ Strategy Exercise
A case study or analysis exercise may present a single relevant situation or problem for you to evaluate and propose recommendations for. It may require you to suggest ways to roll out a new initiative, benefit from a new partnership arrangement, tackle a problem with limited resources for instance.
Another type of exercise is a more traditional essay. This is used infrequently in the FRS. You may be sent essay titles in advance to allow you to do some research and prepare to write the paper on your test day. Or you may not be given the topic until you are there. You may be sent some reading prior to the essay assessment e.g. a relevant FRS policy or project information for you to tie in. The essay may be technical or procedural in nature, which will test your specific FRS knowledge and experience.
You’ll only achieve the right mindset and learn the crucial techniques by taking the right actions before the test itself. Follow the link below to find out how to do this the fast and easy way.