Pass Your Strategic Manager Interview for Promotion eBook

(2 customer reviews)


When it comes to interviews most people think they know how to prepare to succeed.


However, most candidates fail.

Even if you have plenty of successful interviews under your belt, the next one is just as nerve-racking as the last. As you move up, the pressure and expectations keep increasing.
For a Strategic level appointment you have too much at stake to NOT use everything available to you to prepare to succeed.

Our Promotion E-book is a long-standing best-seller, helping hundreds of firefighters attain promotion.

The reason it works?

  • Efficient design.

    Learning a new skill can take up too much time you simply don’t have, unless you use practical short-cuts to maximise your skills quickly and efficiently.

  • Targeted practice.

    Our step by step practice tasks are relevant enough to keep you motivated and will move you incrementally towards a vastly improved way of delivering concrete evidence when it counts.

  • Keeping you engaged.

    The tasks are focused and varied, maintaining your enthusiasm while you actively develop your skills though a supported and evidence-based programme

  • Clear explanations.

    Our detailed instructions explain what to do and the benefits of applying this approach. You will understand why you are doing the activities and be able to apply your learning to improve how you handle future interviews in a range of contexts.

You have to have the right mix of skills and experiences for the role AND be able to effectively showcase these under pressure and under ‘fire’. The strategies we teach will allow you to tackle whatever is thrown at you without losing your focus or confidence.

This instantly downloadable e-book teaches you simple methods which will support complex answers. It sounds easy. Most things are when you are taught correctly
Included in this self-study e-book:

  • Practical techniques on using relevant detail to boost your interview evidence to the next level
  • Model answers to help you mould your responses to tick all the right boxes
  • Practice interview questions to help you grow familiar intuitively drawing on the right experiences for the question
  • Discussions of ‘frequently made mistakes’ and how to avoid them

We all know how easy it is to put off doing things.


Sometimes even more so when we know how important it is!


We’ve just made it MUCH easier for you to start preparing for your interview without wasting a minute of your valuable time or effort.

You know you need to put the time into preparing for your interview. It makes sense to spend the time applying tried and tested guidance rather than wondering if your efforts are a shot in the dark.
We will help you:

  • Structure your answers in the only way that will effortlessly tick box after box
  • Identify mistakes so you won’t make them again
  • Identify your most influential examples to match the role criteria
  • Reframe your focus to downplay any weaknesses in your answers
  • Give an interview which will showcase your wealth of experience and your potential to deliver organisational objectives

Interviews can be quite enjoyable when you have learnt the trick to doing them well. If you are relaxed, you will be a much more credible top-level candidate

With us, preparing for your interview can be struggle-free. All you have to do is follow the instructions and your final answers will organically evolve into the best version they can be.
The eBook contains:

  • Step-by-step exercises to build up detailed, evidence-based examples
  • Short-cuts to help you identify the answers to use, and the ones to avoid
  • Detailed analyses of strong and weak answer examples
  • Guidance on what the interviewers are looking for and what they don’t want to see
  • Questions to help you identify your best quality answers, which you can apply over and over again

You will be surprised by how much difference following our simple rules will make to your answers, your performance and ultimately your career outcomes.









When you have finished your interview preparation, wouldn’t it be nice to get it checked over before you hand it in?

We now have an ‘express review’ service. This means a qualified assessor will read your interview preparation and tell you:

  • If you are answering correctly
  • If your answers are hitting the right level
  • Any areas of concern and how to address these

Gain the peace of mind that your interview answers are the best version possible.


Available on Request

IMPORTANT: Although there may be some local variation in the type of interview questions some FRSs use, the guidance contained in this e-book will raise your answers to a much higher level. This will make your performance every selection stage much stronger, irrespective of format used.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at

2 reviews for Pass Your Strategic Manager Interview for Promotion eBook

  1. Tim Griffiths

    I don’t look forward to interviews as I rarely feel I have the opportunity to do myself justice in them – however, after working through the practice tasks and interview questions in the workbook, I felt much more prepared – thanks FRS Development.

  2. James Hobbs

    Working through this book was really simple, yet informative, with advice on what to do as well as what NOT to do to really stand out.

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