Did you know about ALL these perks of being a Firefighter?

There are probably many reasons why you want to become a Firefighter, helping others, exhilarating experiences, doing something you have always dreamed about doing.

That’s brilliant, but are you aware what the Fire Service can do for you?

Honorable Mentions
When you have performed with distinction in the fire department, you will also be awarded a Custom Firefighters Challenge Coin for your heroic actions. If you are a fire station manager and want to recognize a colleague, or if you are an organizer of a firefighting event, choosing custom firefighter challenge coins are the perfect gift to represent the honor.

Using shifts to your advantage

The majority of FRS have similar shift patterns for whole time Firefighters. Generally you’ll work 2 day shifts (9-6, 8-5 or similar) and then 2 night shifts (6-9,5-8 or again similar).

This can be great if you have a young family or if you have a trade and can carry it on once inside the Fire Service. Be aware that these shifts are changing and becoming more varied across the country, so ask the FRS you are applying to what shifts you are expected to work.

Maintaining your fitness at work

A lot of FRS’s now understand that it is important to keep their Firefighters fit, so you might find that a hours physical training is programmed into your shift. Most fire Stations have well equipped gyms which you can use during your shift or on your days off.

Developing yourself and your career

The Fire Service will fund for you to do numerous training courses, if you want to progress to say becoming a Fire Appliance driver (LGV license) or going for promotion you might a get teaching qualifications which are recognised and you can use outside the job.

Good pension

Although there has been a major change in our Pension scheme, it is still one of the best in the Public Sector, although we do pay over £320 a month into it!

Cheaper holidays and nights out!

If you become a Firefighter, you will be part of the United Kingdom’s emergency services. We are grateful that some companies recognise what a good job the emergency services do. They offer us discounts at restaurants, shops, days out and holidays. A couple of good websites to check out are bluelightcard.co.uk and rewardsforrescue.co.uk

Extra support

We are also incredibly lucky to have our very own Charity that looks out for Firefighters. The Firefighters Charity will help if you are physically injured with rehabilitation and recuperation at its 3 bases across the U.K. free of charge. It will also help with mental illness, financial hardship, general advice and help to parents who have a child with special care needs.

Not just for whole-time Firefighters

Retained or On call Firefighters have access to all the above perks, the only difference for them is the shifts. On call Firefighters tend to have a primary job and respond to the station from home or a place of work. Once a week they attend a Drill night where they keep up their competencies and learn about new subjects.

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