Some FRS are starting to use presentations as part of their promotion assessment process. The format of these isn’t standardised i.e. there wasn’t a presentation exercise in the national assessment process which current exercises can be modelled on. Therefore, how the exercise works can vary.
The good news is that a presentation exercise is unlikely to contain any huge surprises.
The good news is that your scenario will be explained before you begin the exercise, so don’t worry too much about the specifics.
Any presentation is probably going to be relevant to the role you are applying to. Even if your FRS is using exercises set in a context external to the FRS the type of topics will seem relevant to a post of an equivalent level.
Topics may be knowledge or technical based or more interested in your perspective or opinion relevant to the organisation and your role.
For more information and examples, take a look at our ebook. It offers detailed guidance on what the assessors will be looking for, in-depth descriptions of a wide range of assessment tasks and activities, and much more…
Presentation exercises give assessors the opportunity to assess aspects such as:
The only way to fully prepare for this type of exercise is: