Firefighter Interview

The Firefighter Interview is that crucial final stage to becoming a Firefighter. You’ve come this far so it’s vital that you don’t fail now.
Preparation has never been more important.
Things you need to know before your interview:
- Firefighter interviews are not like any other interviews you’ve had in the past.
- You could be an ideal candidate, but if your interview technique is wrong, you won’t get through.
- Your examples and answers need to be outstanding.
What is a competency or values based interview?
The interview is all about getting evidence of how well you can perform the essential criteria i.e. the values and leadership behaviours.
Have a look in what to expect at interview for an idea of what you will be asked.
What to expect at your interview
The questions will probably include asking how you have behaved during past situations. As straight-forward as this sounds, the majority of candidates desperately struggle to get it right. If you are used to interviews of a more traditional format, the new style can be more of a challenge than you might think.
The interview has a strict structure to make sure everyone is given the same chance. It will probably be very different to any interview you have had before.
What will I be asked?
You interviewer will want to know about specific examples and situations where you have shown that your positive behaviours.
For example: “Can you describe a time when you effectively developed yourself or others?”
Your examples need to be:
- Real. They will know if they are made up.
- Specific. Answers which aren’t relevant won’t count.
- Exceptional. You will need to be really good to get through.
Have a look at the practice interview questions (link to practice interview questions) to see more examples.
The questions you will be asked will probably cover these PQAs:
- Working with Others.
- Commitment to Diversity and Integrity.
- Commitment to Excellence.
- Commitment to Development.
- Effective Communication.
How will I be assessed?
Your interviewer will mark you according to the set criteria and record all the evidence that you give. For example:
Can you tell us about a time when you have actively supported a member of your team?
- Is sensitive and empathetic to others
- Is considerate to the needs of others
- Takes clear action to be helpful and supportive
After your interview, your interviewer will go through everything you have said putting ticks next to things you have said which show the important behaviours really strongly. The better the match, the higher the score. This decides whether you will get through and be offered a job.
We can help you work out what to say to get those ticks. Have a look at our interview resources.
Next Page: How to prepare for your Firefighter Interview
You have to be exceptional to get through the interview. If you don’t prepare you will almost certainly lose out to…