Northumberland FRS Firefighter Recruitment Process

Looking to apply to Northumberland FRS? Unsure where to start? Don’t worry – our step by step guide to the Northumberland FRS Recruitment process can help!

Step 1

The Online Application

The application form will ONLY be accessible when the Northumberland FRS Recruitment Process is officially open!

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The application form contains the following sections:

  • Personal details
  • Education and Training
  • Employment History
  • FRS Employment History (if you’ve been a Firefighter, or applied previously)
  • Support Requirements/Disability Declaration
  • References (One must be from your current employer, if you have one)
  • Declaration of any offences
  • FRS Core Values
  • Personal Statement – How you meet the PQAs
It’s a good idea to jot down your answers ‘in rough’ before you begin the online application, so you can refer to them as you’re completing the application form. This way you can make sure you don’t miss anything out!

Step 2

The Psychometric Tests

If your initial application is successful you’ll then be asked to complete a series of online behavioural and psychometric tests.

You’ll receive an email with details of how to complete the tests.

You’ll first be asked to complete a Behavioural Styles questionnaire, and Situational Judgement Test

Then there will be ability tests to complete:

The questions will have multiple choice answers, and you’ll be given a specified amount of time to complete them.

It’s really important to prepare for these types of tests! They can seem daunting if you’ve never came across them before, but you can take a look at some sample questions here.

Step 3

Physical tests

There are also various physical tests you’ll have to pass. Fitness is a crucial part of the Firefighter role. These are made up of activities designed to assess your fitness, strength, stamina and coordination, as well as seeing how you cope with tricky situations you might encounter on the job such as heights and enclosed spaces.

The physical tests include:

  • Enclosed Space Test
  • Ladder Climb
  • Casualty Evacuation
  • Ladder Lift
  • Ladder Extension
  • Equipment Carry
  • Equipment Assembly

Step 5

The Interview

 If you make it through the physical assessment tests you’ll be invited to the final stage, a competency based interview.

In these types of interview you’ll be asked questions relating toy our behaviour on certain occasions or in specific circumstances, which you’ll then need to provide evidence for by using concrete examples from your past work and life experience.

This is your best chance to convince the panel that you are the candidate that they want to employ.

Again, it’s really important that you prepare adequately for the day – forewarned is forearmed!

Spend a bit of time thinking about what you might be asked, and write down your responses so that they’re fresh in your mind before the interview.

You generally won’t have long to wait before the FRS informs you if you’ve got the job! They will let you know either way, but even if you haven’t made it on this attempt you’ve done amazingly well to get so far.

If you’re successful at the interview day and have been offered the job, there are some final checks that the FRS will need to run.

Final Checks

You’ll be asked to attend an medical and fitness assessment with the Occupational Health department.

The medical is a general assessment to check that you’re fit for firefighter duties, and includes looking at your:

  • Hearing
  • Lung function
  • Eyes
  • Grip strength
  • Blood pressure

The final pre-employment checks will involve checking the information on your application form, contacting your references, and performing a standard criminal record check. 

Don’t have time to stay up to speed with all the latest recruitment opportunities?  Sign up for our text alerts and we’ll make sure you never miss a thing!
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